La ricchezza nell’era wikinomics

Wikinomics, the new system to which everybody contributes freely through internet, puts under discussion some of our basic economic concepts. The gross domestic product (Gdp), for example, is based on the idea of measuring “wealth”. But what is wealth if an important part of the economy develops without payments and without prices?

I rivoluzionari del senso civico

“Senso civico” means being concerned about the public good. It’s an attitude which in Italy is lacking, and this explains the weakness of our political system, in the left as in the right wing. From Michele Salvati to Beppe Grillo, columnists and bloggers discuss this point, without being able to find a solution. May be…


Clima: il Sahara è la nostra speranza

A few things I’ve learnt from the Venice Forum, about the future of energy and climate change. Carbon dioxide emission must be taxed to promote energy saving. And we must invest much more in R&D, which can have promising results, especially in promoting solar energy. In the future, we will need to be strictly connected…


Da dove andiamo a incominciare?

Seen from Italy, all the traditional political instruments look crumbling. The United Nations cannot be reformed and cannot cope with the worst crises, the European Union is paralyzed after its enlargement and should start anew from a smaller group of nations, in this country the unity between a North and a South that are more…
